The Gulf Coast Innovation Challenge is the brainchild of Anand Pallegar of atLarge, Inc. Together with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation they set out to locate and reward the best and brightest “blue” innovators on the Gulf Coast with the opportunity to receive funding for further research and development.
Anand asked Boost Studio to develop an identity for the initiative that would eventually expand beyond blue tech and work with technologies in other areas.
The final mark was developed as an “order out of chaos” concept and reflects the various components coming together to build a new technology. Other initiatives will have different elements and arrangements along with a coordinating color palette. We also created a condensed brand guideline to assist the Gulf Coast Community Foundation with usage and implementation in marketing campaigns.
• All work was done for atLarge, Inc., Sarasota, Florida
• All work was done for atLarge, Inc., Sarasota, Florida